Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fairy Tale Retellings (aka my obsession with Cinder)

I'll admit it. I'm that person that takes about a solid year to two years to give in to a trend. One category in which I tend not to follow what's popular is my reading choices. It's not that I don't keep up with popular books, I do, both as a writer and reader. I like to know what people are interested in, while at the same time seeing how reader's tastes change over time.

Well I have been seeing the trend and hype for the book Cinder for the last, I'd say year and half. I've seen it on booktube, goodreads, on blogs I follow, and so forth. When I read the synopsis for it, I thought that it really wasn't for me. It sounded too difficult of a world to get into. Well fast forward to May 2015, and I finally gave in. Book outlet had both of the paperbacks for the first two books, and I had a five dollar coupon to cover most of the cost.

After a weekend of binge reading, and I realized why the book was so hyped. The world was amazing, the characters were tangible, and my love for fairy tale retellings had resurfaced. Marissa Meyer sucked me into a world that I still haven't quite gotten out of. Who would have thought, Cinderella, a cyborg living in a place called New Beijing. It was fresh and new, and gahhh amazing. (I apologize for the fangirling)

I've chosen to put off reading the third installment until the fourth one comes out, thereby saving both books for a weekend of binge reading.

Anyways back to my point. Fairy tale retellings have been popular for quite a while. I don't really think they're ever going to fade away completely, because they have an appeal to a large audience range. We (as in people born in the 1990s) grew up with fairy tales, but so did our parents, and our grandparents. They are a multi generational tradition.

I think each new generation that comes along, offers the opportunity for a brand new take on fairy tales. The idea of a happily ever after is timeless. People want to be taken out from reality and into another world. No two retellings are the same. I'm now on the search for more retellings, but I'm afraid none of them will live up to my expectations now that I've read Cinder. I'll find some, I'm sure.

In the meantime though, I will be working on a small side project of my own. A retelling of Beauty and the Beast but way beyond anything I've read. I also have to work on Breakup FM (contemporary). But I will keep you posted on my to be named Beauty and the beast retelling.

Keep writing, and keep reading friends. :)

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