I'll be honest. I started this blog on a whim. There is no concordant theme established, at least not currently. Let me start out by saying hello.
Hi. You're either reading this when by blog is still in an infantile stage, or you've loved my posts so much you've dug back, deep within my archives, voracious, seeking more content. Or maybe somehow, through some strange google search you found me. I don't really know. But hello nonetheless.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to telepathically, and one sidedly converse with me. I'll forgo long introductions for now.
I'm Daniela. I'm a rising junior in college, who enjoys reading from time to time. My true obsession though, is writing. As you can most certainly tell by my blog url, I hope to find my road to publication soon.
This blog will be a myriad of writing related musings, personal ones on occasion, and the sporadic book review. I've also made it a goal to travel more often, so there may be a few travel posts.
That's it for now. Expect a writing related post soon, and a book review (hint: It's a lovely novel by Laini Taylor)
Much love to anyone who reads this. Stick around. I promise I'll try to make this blog enjoyable. Try being the subjective word in that promise.
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